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How to find a foreign job through an agency in Sri Lanka | Questions & Answers

Read the storyline. That will help you to understand the situation.

Mrs. Lee is a Sri Lankan citizen. currently, she lives in Colombo with her husband Mr. Lee.
Mrs. Lee is willing to apply for a foreign job which suits her qualification and skills. therefore she met several agency officers who provide foreign job opportunities and discussed their services.

The question she had in her mind while talking to officers was whether they are telling the truth or lies. She is curious to confirm what they told her about the jobs and their services.

Read the questions that Mrs.Lee asked from the agency officers.
Understand how they should suppose to be if they are providing the services properly.

1. does your agency is registered as an employment agency properly?
Yes, the agency must be registered as a private limited or sole proprietor business also the agency must be registered and licensed by the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment (find the labor license number of the agency). The license must be renewed once a year.


Contact Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign that they are telling truth or not. also, you can check it out via the website. enter the labor license number of the agency and you can search all information about the agency.


2. does your agency have approval for the job that I am willing to apply for?
Yes, the agency must have the approval for each job they provided by the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment. The agency can not even advertise without approval.


3. do you have proofs to confirm those answers?
Yes, the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment issue a certificate for the license. also, they issue job approval letters for each job they provide. you can ask them to show you those.

4. what is the job category that I am willing to apply for? what are the required qualifications?
There are two categories like Domestic and Non-Domestic. The agency office will tell you about the job. You can verify those by checking the job approval issued by the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment. 
The job approval includes all the information you need. also, you can check it out via the website. enter the agency license number and you can see a list of jobs they got approved. and you can read the job description by clicking each job.

5. tell me about the contract period?
Depends on the job you are willing to apply for. contract periods are 1 to 5 years range. Some contracts can expand the contract period. Check the job approval.

6. tell me about working hours?
Depends on the job you are willing to apply for. working hours are 8 hours per day and 6 days per week. you can take one day off per week. Check the job approval.

7. who is the employer?
The employer of a job can be a person or a company or an authorized officer of a company. The job approval document includes all the information about the employer. You can contact the employer by following contact details.

8. does the employer provide accommodation facilities?
Yes, the employer will provide you free accommodation or accommodation allowance. allowances may deduct from your salary.

9. does the employer provide food?
Yes, the employer will provide you free food or food allowance. allowances may deduct from your salary.

10. does the employer provide medical facilities?
Yes, the employer will provide you free medical or medical allowance. allowances may deduct from your salary.

11. does your agency provide air tickets?
Yes, they do provide air tickets, some provide one-way or two-way air tickets. Some will provide you free return air ticket after completing the contract period.

12. how much is the salary per month?
The job order document includes basic salary, deductions, overtime rates, etc. Most salaries pay per month and employers give your salary in cash.

13. what visas do you provide for jobs?
Job Visas and Trainee Visas.

14. how do I know the visa you get for me is valid?
You can verify your visa by contacting the visa center or the embassy. Ask by your passport number and the issued visa number.

15. tell me about the agreement between me, your agency, and the employer.
There are two main agreements related to you,
* The agreement between you and the agency.
* The agreement between you and the employer.
Read carefully before you agree with each agreement and putting your signatures. Most agencies will keep your passport from the beginning because of many reasons. be aware of those too.

16. what documents I have to submit to you?
First, you will have to submit,
* your curriculum vitae,
* your identification details, 
* residential details, 
* police clearance certificate,
* photographs of you etc.
For the Visa process, you have to submit,
* visa application form,
* your identification details, passport,
* training certificates, language certificates, your qualifications,
* medical report,
* all required English translated documents, and an affidavit, etc
The process depends on the job you applied for. be aware of required documents for the current situation.

17. tell me about the total cost of your services?
The job order document includes the government-approved cost for the job you are willing to apply for, the agency's cost can be different than the government cost for the job.

18. why that much? please tell me more about the payments.
The agency is a private company, their service charges can be different than the government charges. be aware of those differences. do not pay for the job without knowing those.

19. should I have to pay for all costs at once?
No, do not pay for all costs at once. discuss with them about all costs. ask them a list of costs and be aware of each cost and then pay periodically.

20. does your agency provide loan facilities?
Some agencies provide loan facilities, some don't. Anyway, if you are looking for a loan for this, better discuss with the officers and people who have knowledge and experience about these kinds of services.

21. does your agency issue valid payment receipts for each?
Yes, the agency must issue a receipt for each payment you do. 
The payment receipt must include a description, paid date, amount you paid, officer's sign, agency seal, and officer's statement.
Never lose or damage payment receipts. Keep all somewhere safe.

22. what will happen if my visa gets canceled?
Contact the visa center, discuss reasons with officers, and request a re-apply if your visa gets canceled.
There are several major reasons to cancel your visa.
* if you have submitted false information,
* if something went wrong in your medical report,
* if lack of required documents,
* if some documents are fake or expired,
* if payment issue occurred,
* if you have failed to submit some documents in a given time etc.

23. who takes responsibility for the visa process and other tasks?
The agency takes responsibility. Discuss with the agency officers about what went wrong to cancel the visa, seek solutions. 
You must discuss costs for re-apply and who should bear those.

24. does your agency provide instructions and guidance about how to adapt to the job environment?
Yes, the agency should provide instructions and guidance. Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment provides training programs and certificates for the jobs. You can join those programs by contacting these.


25. does your agency take responsibility while I work abroad?
Yes, the agency takes responsibility until you return back to home after completing the contract period. also, the Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment takes responsibility for you. Dial 1989 for an emergency.



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