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Tkinter Login System | Demo Project | Learn Python

Python practical


Simple user registration and login application.

Three interfaces minimum

Sign-in: This is the main interface. Enter email and password, then log in. And the option to create accounts for new users.
Sign-up: This interface is used to register new users. All user details are saved in a text file. You can build your own structure to save data.
Dashboard: This interface will pop up when the user sign-in is successful. This interface has a menu bar with submenu items and a simple text file. You can customize this as your own.
All registered users are saved in a text file called “users”.
Read the text file when the user is sign-in and write when the new user sign-up.


This is the main interface of the program also the sign-in interface. Enter email and password and press the sign-in button. The dashboard will be pop up if login is successful else show an error message.

This is the interface when the user wants to create a new account. This interface will pop up when the user is pressed the create new account button in the main interface. Enter email and password and press the sign-up button. User details will be saved in text files and a success messages.

This interface will pop up when the user sign-in is successful. This interface has a menu bar and a text file. Design and develop your own dashboard as an improvement.


This is the code of the main interface defined in a method called main_screen. Also, this is the sign-in interface. In the end, run command of the main_screen method.

This is the code of the sign-up interface defined in a method called signup_screen. This interface will pop up when click the create a new account. Check the last button code in the main_screen method, signup_screen method is calling as the command of the button.

This is the code of the sign-up button. Check the sign-up button of the sigup_screen method, signup_action method is set as the command. In this method write/ append users' text file each time when a new user is adding and giving a success message.

This is the structure of user's text file. All users are saved in a string list.
I build this structure for easy access but you can build your own too.

This is the code of the sign-in button. Check the sign-in button of the main_screen method, signin_action is set as the command. In this method, read users' text files and check given entries are correct, and respond.

This is the design of the dashboard interface. Defined in a method called dashboard_screen. This interface has a menu bar and text frame.
That’s all !!!
Make your own project and practice.
Memorize the main steps and keep thinking while developing.
Follow the demo project given.
The demo project is basic and clear. You can apply this to any of your projects.
Hope you enjoyed it, learned something new, and helped for better work.
Thank you for reading. See you with another practice.
Download demo project here



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