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How to keep your smartphone under control for secure privacy?

We people care too much about how people see themselves in the digital world. Your mobile device is the closest pathway to connect our physical world to the digital world. In the modern world, we work hard to maintain our physical world alongside our digital world through our mobile devices.

As we know most companies provide amazing platforms and services free to keep ourselves attached to the digital world. In return, they use our data for advertising or marketing purposes and make profits. We spend hours daily on these platforms updating, maintaining ourselves and others. Many people earn money on these platforms some maintain a balanced schedule between the digital world and the physical world.

These days we hear about users' privacy leaks, unnecessary usage of users' data, Sneaking up even if we don't use some free applications, services. However, we can't put a full stop to these because these large-scale companies need profits to keep themselves alive. They are curious about users' data and they always looking for the right customers' to promote their products or services.

* These free platforms provide us exactly what we need,
* We have only a few alternatives to move on to secure platforms, 
* We earn lots of money using these platforms,
* Entire client and customer base depends on these platforms,
* We went too far with these free platforms,

Therefore we just can't move to other secure platforms and start over and the only thing you can do is control what you do in the digital world if you really care about your privacy.

We can give a start from our closest device, your mobile device, your android device, apple device. Below are five steps to keep your mobile device under control and make sure it won't do anything without your permission.

1. Keep your mobile device up to date.
Most smartphone companies take some responsibility levels to keep your data secured and they concern about your privacy because you paid them for the mobile device and accessories. Therefore most smartphone companies release security updates and features to keep their users safe. 
You better keep your mobile device up to date with these security updates and apply recommended settings to your device.

2. Manage Application Permissions.
When you are installing an application through Apps Store or Play Store, It requires your permission to access your camera, microphone, storage, location..etc. Some android devices give recommended permissions automatically while installing.
Permission settings allow you to change permissions manually.
There are three major permission types,

* Allow only while using the app.
* Allow Always.
* Deny Permissions.

Examples of how to use those settings -
* You can deny permission to Facebook to use the device's microphone if you don't use Facebook for calls.
You can deny permission to Facebook to use the device's location if you don't want to track your location on Facebook.
* You can allow permission only while using Facebook to use the device's camera if you want to use the camera on Facebook.

3. Let sleep unused Applications.
This is a feature for saving your mobile's battery life. Also, we can use these features as an advantage to keep secure our privacy. You can put apps to sleep mode when you are not using them. That means the application does not run in the background without knowing you. You can add applications which are no need to run in the background. This feature saves the device's battery and security at the same time.

4. History.
Some applications use your browsing history, location history, search history, youtube history...etc to collect data about your interests and favorites. Then these apps show advertisements to you which contain your interests and favorites.
You can turn off tracking your history or you can delete history manually or automatically to prevent these if you really care about your actions on the internet.

5. Keep yourself up-to-date.
You must keep your knowledge up to date with these security issues and solutions alongside using those platforms, services, and features you want. Read terms and conditions, User agreements before accept. Do not install third-party applications, craked applications to your device.

Do you let them take whatever they want from you? or 
Do you take action to control what they want to know about you?
The decision is completely up to you. 
Be aware of the consequences of your decisions and actions in the digital world.


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