How to make a simple chatting application Java Web? REQUIREMENT Simple chat application. Users can register their names to the application. After login, the user can find any registered friend and start a chat. If a user had previous chat with a selected friend, it should load in chat view. Sent messages and received messages must show without affecting the chat page. ASSUMPTIONS for DEMO PROJECT Usernames do not duplicate. Register different names, login, and chat with others. No need of sending pictures, videos, etc. Just create a text message chat. This demo project is not about user registration, login, file uploading… etc. This demo project is about chatting between two users and how to keep and update chats using a data structure. IMPROVEMENTS Develop better user registration and login system with generating unique user ids to avoid duplicate issues. Develop privilege management for users. Develop chat that can send images, videos too. OPTIONAL Do not use MYSQL or any other DBMS...
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